Saskia Neuman Gallery
Saskia Neuman Gallery represents Nordic and internationally based artists.
The exhibition program reflects a strong focus on early and mid-career artists, often previously not exhibited in Sweden’s commercial gallery sphere. In addition, the gallery hosts a variety of happenings, including talks, performances and other events.
Saskia Neuman Gallery opened in 2022 in the heart of Stockholm — the gallery’s hometown. The presentation, “Welcome Home”, represents an extension of the gallery - a curated living room presenting all represented artists. The home symbolises the idea of solace and fortitude, a concept widely discussed and sought after throughout history, to present day. Each artist has created a new work(s), alluding to their own relationship with the concept of the home. From a theoretical perspective of what a home represents, to practical or surreal embodiments of what it houses.
Featured artists
Tobias Bradford
Tobias Bradford, born 1993 in Örebro, Sweden. Lives and works in London, UK. Tobias Bradford’s uncanny bodily sculptures speak to the delicate nature of the human psyche. Often animated with rudimentary function, the emotionally charged sculptures enliven a tangent representing the relationship between humour and morbidity, longing, and melancholy, and how these emotions transcend the body and its fundamental mechanics.
By creating repetitive physical limitations in his sculpture, the artist allows for an infinite amount of freedom for reflection and introspection.
Jakob Solgren Nordenskiöld
Jakob Solgren Nordenskiöld, born in 1976 Shiraz, Iran. He lives and works in Stockholm,
Sweden. Jakob Solgren’s artistic practice is built on the artist's inner dialogue paired with deep reflection of both the material and immaterial elements of the artist's daily life. In Solgren’s work we encounter visual worlds that either fortify or challenge us.
Erik Jeor
Erik Jeor, born in 1974 in Stockholm, Sweden. He works and lives in Stockholm. Jeor's work introduces the notion that the paint is more than what it appears; it seeps through, building each shape on the paper. The paint is the basic form and is not limited by merely being one tool of many at the artist's disposal. Paint is the essential body within each artwork, and without dictating the process, Jeor's intention is ever present in each
delicate dripping and brushstroke.
Emma Jönsson
Emma Jönsson, born in 1961 in Sweden, she lives and works in Floda, Sweden. Artist Emma Jönsson’s embroidery can be perceived as elusive, and more than that, enchanting. What we see at first glance is a myriad of scenes, interwoven, in dialogue with one another.
An artist’s travels, musings from an incredible imagination and the ability to depict and reinterpret evils and hardship in the world The ability to distil longing, fear, and sorrow. An artist’s travels, musings from an incredible imagination and the ability to depict and reinterpret evils and hardship in the world The ability to distil longing, fear, and sorrow.
Nadine Byrne
Nadine Byrne, born in 1985 in Stockholm Sweden where she lives and works. Nadine Byrne’s work evolves around textile, sculpture, film and installation. A selection and staging of a past, is something that the artist has appreciated as truth. Byrne’s archive is an ensemble of physical and emotional memories.
Although these memories have been presented as absolute truths, with the function of guiding her throughout her artistic practice, the artist came to realise early on that there are no absolutes, essentially questioning the accuracy of memory. Ultimately, by being comfortable with the grey areas of our own memory, we are open to interpretations of our personal histories.
Mark Dion
Mark Dion, born 1961 in New Bedford, Massachusetts, US. Lives in Copake, NY - works
internationally Mark Dion is an American conceptual artist whose practice examines the history of the museum and the presentation of knowledge. Through a rigorous examination and recreation of traditional methods of display, he calls into question the hierarchies of the aesthetics and conventions of historical proof and reason.
Dion often uses the artifice of an archaeological or scientific tone in his work to complicate the viewer’s experience of whether to trust or distrust the ideas presented in his work.
Harry Anderson
Harry Anderson, born 1986 in Stockholm, Sweden where he lives and works. Anderson's fascination with architectural ornamentation was awakened by long walks through Stockholm in recent years. Its often-incomprehensible context provided inspiration for trying to move the motifs' physical representation into a gallery space.
These silent sculptures, where the inhabitants are viewed from a distance, are now allowed to meet the viewer where their inevitable gaze creates a new form of presence. Their expressions move beyond realism. The artist's goal is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity he experiences via his observations throughout the city.
Niklas Delin
Niklas Delin, born in 1989 in Stockholm, Sweden where he lives and works. The process of Niklas Delin’s paintings reflects an intimate understanding of the artist’s own gaze. The images are objects and environments from his own life and through the act of painting, they change into new shapes and forms, always searching for the conception of light. It's a constellation of images where technique and time takes part of the investigation of the subconscious.
Susanna Marcus Jablonski
Susanna Marcus Jablonski, born in 1985 Stockholm, Sweden where she lives and works. Jablonski’s work involves sculpture, video, and sound composition. Often combining highly crafted sculptures and vernacular objects within an immersive installation architecture, Jablonski’s work investigates the ontological value of materials, events and bodies – how they sustain or disintegrate, and how meaning is ascribed to the places and times they inhabit.
Pia Ferm
Pia Ferm, born in 1986 Lysekil, Sweden. She lives and works in Frankfurt. Pia Ferm draws, sculpts and works with textile material; tufting, weaving and sculpting in stone and marble. Her work emerges from an initial drawing, which later transforms into these various materials and practices. Ferm’s approach to the realisation of her works is meticulously planned.
Pia Ferm, born in 1986 Lysekil, Sweden. She lives and works in Frankfurt. Pia Ferm draws, sculpts and works with textile material; tufting, weaving and sculpting in stone and marble. Her work emerges from an initial drawing, which later transforms into these various materials and practices. Ferm’s approach to the realisation of her works is meticulously planned.
Kasper Nordenström
Kasper Nordenström, born in 1987 Stockholm, Sweden where he lives and works. In the encounter with the painting, we are met by the image, or lack thereof. Nordenström conveys and enables dialogue in his work through the pigment: an ebb and flow of narratives and ideas.
Since these only exist as theoretical constructions, the work is often pulled away from the physical space it inhabits, and pushed toward the more conceptual thought; from "here" to "there". "Here", limited by the laws of physics, is replaced by "there", with its infinite potential.
Josef Jägnefält
Josef Jägnefält, born 1984 in Gothenburg, Sweden. He lives and works in Stockholm. Josef Jägnefält's practice is rooted in the history and tradition of painting. His process is activated by observations of the present and the accumulation of documents and traces left behind.
The subjects of his work are usually remnants of how we move through the world, objects and spaces - often featuring outdated memorabilia from the past that highlight a current dystopia.
Dimen Hama Abdulla
Dimen Hama Abdulla, born in 1986 Kurdistan. She lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden. Dimen Abdulla is an artist, writer and dramatist. Her work moves through several practices and mediums - drama, performance, paintings and drawings. The process is causal and timeless, an investigation of the narrative elements explored through fervent brush strokes, exploration in pastell and emotion.